Storm Drains
With fall here the gree leaves are starting to fall and will ultimately cause our storm drains to clog and streets to flood. Adopt your nearest storm drain and keep it clear and draining! They should be checked/cleaned every month during the fall/winter. If you need assistance to clear a drain call 684-7506/24hr 386-1800.
Street Lighting
We are in the process of getting new LED street lights but until completed our existing street lights will remain an ongoing safety issue. If a light is out/flickering on/off call 684-7056 and provide the two different numbers on the light pole. Alternatively, to see the map of outages or to report an outage, go to Repairs are now on a ten day turn-around unless more than a bulb change is involved.
Illegal Street/Alley Parking: 625-5011
Missing/Broken Traffic/Parking Signs: 386-1206
Pot Holes: 684-7508