Quarterly Meeting

How to Get Rid of Those Pesky Rodents & SDOT Repaving Projects


  • Tuesday, 12 October 2010
  • 19:00 (7:00 PM)


  • University Lutheran Church


Don Pace, Health & Environmental Inspector with Public Health Seattle-King with over 18 years of experience working in the Rodent Control program, will make a presentation about rodent control and offer prevention strategies.  The Rodent Control program, with its Outreach emphasis, works with the media and community organizations to educate the public on rodent behavior, correcting some misconceptions, and equipping them with other resources.  The program espouses that with the proper understanding, citizens can work together to effectively control these unwanted pests throughout Seattle.

Ms. Jessica Murphy, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Project Manager, and Ms. Emily Neff, Communications Consultant, will make a presentation on the pending 15th Ave NE Reconstruction Project (NE Pacific Street to NE 55th Street).  As part of this project, funding is available and plans developed to address some of the longstanding issues related to the NE 54th/Ravenna Avenue NE/NE 55th/22nd Avenue interchange/mess.  Learn what is planned and help us to provide SDOT with input that will improve their project planning.